Saturday, February 29, 2020

Tim Voting 2012

Photo by Linda Davidson/The Washington Post

From the Washington Post: TAMPA, FL – JANUARY 31:
Tim Fasano, 55, shows off his “I Voted” sticker next to his Buccaneer patch at a voting precinct in north downtown Tampa, Florida on January 31, 2012. Fasano is Italian, has lived in Tampa the last fifteen years and said he voted for Newt Gingrich over Romney because of “Romney’s negative campaigning”. He said Romney failed to explain his Romneycare in Massachusetts. Ybor City, nearby, is home to a lot of hispanics, Italians, African Americans. Its history dates back to the day when cigars factories were steady work here.

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Starbucks Laptop People

I stop by Starbucks on the way home just about every day because I’ve reached that age when I need a little jolt to make it home. This place is always filled with laptops. The laptop people long ago destroyed the ambiance of American cafes, and it’s not just Starbucks. Every hole-in-the-wall coffee shop I ever visit is brimming with these wireless moochers.

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Karl Shapiro

This is the only filmed interview I’ve been able to find of the great poet Karl Shapiro. It’s sourced from a 16mm film by Karl Shapiro and Arthur Hoyle, Santa Monica, CA: Pyramid Films, 1976.

Charles Lawler Sculpture

I spotted this sandstone sculpture in front of the Pomona College Art Museum. The sculptor, Charles Lawler, taught at Pomona College at Claremont from 1949-57.

Sunday, February 23, 2020

Tim's Dog

Tim was a cat lover, but he did enjoy getting a kiss from a little doggie.

Sunny California

My neighbors are moving and had a yard sale. The mannequin belongs to us and is named Gloria. This house appears to be guarded by cera...